Signatory Mkwaataagsiwin


One of the primary goals for the Robinson Huron Waawiindaamaagewin is to actively organize and coordinate the awareness and understanding of the Robinson Huron Waawiindaamaagewin existence and mission among member First Nations (as well as the broader Canadian population). To that end, the Robinson Huron Waawiindaamaagewin will seek to engage impacted communities through a series of engagement strategies including public engagement sessions, web based communications, strategically located signage, etc.

The primary topics and methods of engagement will be:

  • Rebuilding nationhood
  • Re-establishing community relationships
  • Engaging Elders, Youth, and community organizations
  • Developing educational information packages
  • Facilitating community education/input/feedback on the Robinson Huron Waawiindaamaagewin initiative
  • Develop and create a Research Framework Centre

The Robinson Huron Waawiindaamaagewin organization is currently focusing engagement at the community level around the topics of:

  • Treaty Relations Education For Community Citizens
  • Introduction – what is the Robinson Huron Waawiindaamaagewin
  • History of the Anishinaabek Governance – pre-contact
  • Since contact leading up to Treaty
  • RHT – Treaty signing
  • Treaty relations today
  • Treaty annuities case – updates

Moving Forward…

The Robinson Huron Waawiindaamaagewin is seeking to increase community involvement by:

  • Encouraging community’s to participate in the future Robinson Huron Waawiindaamaagewin Chiefs meetings.
  • Encouraging community’s to designate a community key contact for facilitators/researchers to start the community engagement process.
  • Participate in the mapping initiative and share mapping data that can assist with the GIS Mapping Exercise
  • Utilize various web platforms such as the development of a website and social media channels to share a variety of content as it relates to the Robinson Huron Waawiindaamaagewin initiative