Treaty Week

November 2 – 6, 2020

Treaty Week 2020, Presented by the Robinson Huron Waawiindaamaagewin.

The Robinson Huron Waawiindaamaagewin would like to thank all of those who helped to make our Treaty Week a success.  Miigwetch to all those who participated in our series of online streaming events, and a very special miigwetch to the faculty and teachers at East View Akgoma Public School for hosting us for the “Treaty Talks with Tomorrows Leaders” session.

Treaty Week Poster

RHW Treaty Week Events | Online Sessions

This years treaty week activities were mostly virtual events due to Covid-19.  All events were open to the general public, no registration was required.  If you would like to register for our mailing list to hear about new or upcoming events, or if you would like to submit any comments or questions, please do so by clicking on the button provided below.

Most of this years events can be viewed by clicking on the links provided in the schedule table below, or by scrolling down the page to the video section.

Date TimeEventJoin Now!
November 2, 2020
12:00 p.m. Lunch & Learn
RHW Introduction – Earl Commanda
RH Treaty History – Jennifer Simpson
Watch Recording of Event
November 4, 2020
All dayCeremony & Sweatlodge
Feasting All Our Relations – Garden River First Nation
Watch the Clip
November 4, 2020
2:00 p.m.Technician’s Time
GIS Portal and UOM
Nicky, Jenilee and Cheryl
Watch Recording of Event
November 4, 2020
7:00 p.m.Evening Armchair Session
Doodem and Council Fire: Anishinaabe Governance
through Alliance
Heidi Bohaker/Exploring Covenant Chain Principles in the RHT Process
Alan Corbiere
Watch Recording of Event
November 5, 2020
9:30 a.m. Treaty Talks with our Future Leaders, Live from Algoma East View SchoolWatch Recording of Event
November 5, 2020
7:00 p.m.Evening Armchair Session
Colonial Mapping of Lake Huron
Josh Manitowabi
Watch Recording of Event
November 6, 2020
12:00 p.m.Lunch & Learn
RHW Annuities Update
Roger Jones
Watch Recording of Event

RHW Treaty Week Videos…

Other Videos…

Images from Treaty Week…

Images from Treaty Week…

“… inhabiting and claiming the Eastern and Northern Shores of Lake Huron, from Penetanguishine to Sault Ste Marie, and thence to Batchewana Bay, on the Northern Shore of Lake Superior; together with the Islands in the said Lakes, opposite to the Shores thereof, and inland to the Height of Land…”

The Robinson Huron Treaty, 1850